
英国专线和全球的海运整箱(FCL), 拼箱(LCL)进出口货运代理 空运进出口货运代理

« Provides ther air, the sea,英国海陆空等海运.任君选择 »


公司秉承高效、周到、专业和热情的服务宗旨,多年来一直为客户代办海运保险业务,为客户解决履约中的后顾之忧, 减轻单证投保等杂物工作带来的压力。公司充分发挥集中投保带来的业务量优势,目前已与国内几大主要保险公司,如人保、太平等简历了长期的业务关系,由此本公司也获得了这些保险公司最高级别的保费费率。当前公司为客户提供的保险代办服务,如保前咨询、保险条款解析、保费核算与对比、指定保险方案、代填投保单、复核保单等已获得客户的一致认同和首肯。
Over the past quarter century, De Well has developed and finessed our service offerings based upon the changing needs of our customers.

Today, we offer comprehensive seafreight services via our worldwide network with the following service offerings:

Full Container Load (FCL)Less than Container Load (LCL)Project Cargo / Out of Gauge (OOG)Reefer LogisticsShipper's Own Containers (SOC)

Full Container Load (FCL)
Door-to-door shipments to all continentsProfessional cargo handlingDedicated FCL operational staffOptimisation of your transportation cost and competitive ratesUse of all types of shipping containers in line with your needs and requirements
Less than Container Load (LCL)
Dedicated teams of LCL sea freight specialists providing the expertise you needStrategically positioned container freight stations (CFS) for efficient and effective supply chain solutionsDirect or one-stop routing to guarantee fast, reliable shipments and maximum flexibilityfBuyer’s Consolidation

Reefer Logistics
To satisfy your door-to-door temperature-controlled supply chain requirements, temperature-sensitive products such as electronics, food-related items, chemicals or pharmaceuticals must be shipped in accordance with strict specifications.

Reefer Logistics
To satisfy your door-to-door temperature-controlled supply chain requirements, temperature-sensitive products such as electronics, food-related items, chemicals or pharmaceuticals must be shipped in accordance with strict specifications.

Project Cargo / Out of Gauge (OOG)
De Well Project Logistics provides services for most capital investments in all industry sectors. Usually, our customers are one of the following: the project owners, their engineering, procurement, construction and management contractors or their prime suppliers. We provide logistics management concepts for consignments which usually requires special handling, chartering of vessels and / or heavy-lift services by sea, air, road or rail.

In the oil and gas sector we cover projects in the fields of:
Petrochemical and chemical production facilitiesLNG plants and re-gasification facilitiesRefineries and gas processing plantsShip building and offshore platformsPipelines

In addition, project logistics covers projects related to:
Power plants (whether fed by oil, gas, fossil or other energy) and similar facilitiesMining facilitiesAluminium plants, steel plants and similar facilitiesPulp, paper and cellulose plantsTransportation systems, railways, subways, metro and light rail transit (LRT) installationsPlant and Manufacturing relocations
Shipper's Own Containers (SOC)
The overall reason for using SOCs is the cost savings they can generate. These savings can come in many different forms. First, when facing equipment scarcity in inland locations, SOCs can lower trucking costs and allow you to control trucking and shipping with the carrier of your choice. Second, there are savings to be had when shipping to special destinations with equipment surplus resulting in discounted freight rates, and inland locations by saving on the return trucking. Third, SOCs are insurance against demurrage and detention costs as the user will not be subject to these fees, which can quickly add up at any time.


    A.在订舱,报关,港监,商检等方面,旺季舱位保障。B.退税报关,买单报关。C.运价方面;我司从事国际运输已有十年之久,与船公司之间已有相当高的沟通和配合.合作并签有协议的船船东分别有:APL WHL COSCO OOCL HYUNDAI PIL CSCL CSAV EVERGREEN MSK.D.整柜方面:东南亚 中东 欧美线 西非有相当优势,至中南美航线优势船:HAMBURG-SUD. CSAV. HAPAG-LLOYO E.拼箱方面:我司有广东最全船期跟最优惠的海运拼箱价格。F.* 船期前1-2周安排订舱;提供订舱BOOKING文件,如果有特殊要求的,可以在托单上注明,比如申请14天免用箱;申请免堆期;申请免超重费;需要CY-DOOR条款;开具船证明等.靠着多年摸索形成的慎“引”、优“培”、尚“争”、活“用”、厚“待”的人力资源管理理念,在发展过程中,造就了一支结构合理、业务精通、技术精湛、勇于开拓创新且忠诚度高的人才队伍,也使公司从小变大、由弱至强,成长为行业的一个实力派“小巨人”。

